This is a soup made with chana dal I made for my Hyde Park dinner party. The cooking is pretty similar to the standard way to cook dal. First I boiled the chana dal with crushed ginger and tumeric, and add chopped tomatoes and salt when the legumes are almost done cooking. For the toppings, I brown the onions, and then add cumin seeds, dried red chili peppers, sliced garlic, and cumin powder. Right when dal get cooked through I add the toppings to the dal and mixed everything together and garnish with cilantro.
The soup was a hit.
February 18, 2011 at 4:52 PM
Wow -> I adore cilantro and can just imagine how delicious this must have tasted/smelled.
February 21, 2011 at 6:24 PM
How exciting do you get with your chili?