
This page is meant to showcase my love of cooking. All the recipes you see here are vegetarian, and most of them vegan as well. I purposely didn't label them as I didn't want to be thought of as a "vegan blog" - rather, I want to cook and eat food that is accessible and comforting, with the food happened to be vegetarian/vegan friendly.

Most of these posts will be food I like to eat. There will be lots of Asian recipes here, and a lot of bread, which is recently one of my newest passions. There are a lot of Asian and Chinese recipes on the web, but I have found that there have not been many Taiwanese recipes in the English language, much less Taiwanese vegetarian. This is a shame as Taiwan is very vegetarian friendly, and some of the best vegetarian food I had in my life are in Taiwan. While nothing can replace a direct trip there to experience the wonders of street food there, I am going to do my best to try and feature more of those recipes on this site.

The recipes, if I post them, are meant to be general guidelines and not absolutes. Most Asian cooking are that way. If at any point the directions seem less than clear, please feel free to comment or email me for directions.